Commercial Break

LOL, Sorry, but it’s time for a commercial break for this old man. SMILES. I hope you don’t mind, but need to do this every now and again — haven’t done it so far this year.

If you have not read THE BOOK yet, shame on you. LOL Great reviews on Amazon, but don’t buy there, it’s a rip off. Am currently working with another publisher to perhaps have it republished. I do; however, have several hard covers I bought from the previous publisher before I dropped them; they were ripping me off! If you are working on a book and are thinking of going POD (Publish On Demand), it would behoove you to talk to me first so I can give you some warnings to help you avoid the problems I experienced. Meanwhile I would like to sell the ones I have.

Remember, it is not a autobiography except that it follows my career from a delinquent HS kid to retiring thirty-six years later simply for organizational purposes. It’s more about the great mentors and leaders I experienced. I mention the good, the bad, and even the ugly –I pull no punches, which is why it will never appear on CMC’s reading list LOL. I sell the hard cover for $35, [personally inscribed and signed, AND if it is for a military person (past, present or future), I eat the $4.35 postage. Contact me at or click on “Buy the Book” to the left and I will contact you for information so I can personalize the inscription. Thank you for bearing with me during this short commercial break. 

Below is a picture of the back of the dust cover on hard back copy. A great gift for a Marine.

















Semper Fi, Jim

Originally posted 2021-09-23 11:21:08.

7 thoughts on “Commercial Break”

  1. Why the book has not found its way onto the CMC’s reading list speaks volumes for today’s woke military….

  2. I have a first edition thanks to my fellow Marine and Jersey City,NJ Police, Brother Dennis O’Brien. It came with a fantastic inscription from the Colonel also. It should be read by every Marine and by those who love Marines and our Corps.

  3. Colonel, there are times that we all need to take that much needed break to re-energize ourselves and yes, it is okay to take the pack off to do that. Enjoy your commercial break and will be looking forward to seeing your posts soon.
    Semper Fi

    1. LOL, yes you are correct Pat, I trust you are feeling much better now, so sad we didn’t have a chance to see one another at the muster. But I shall return, my sister is there in a nursing home, so I plane to visit as often as I can. Jim

  4. Enjoy your R&R Col. If you happen to make it down into the southern part of Utah, give me a shout! We will all miss you!

    Semper Fidelis,


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