The Learning Curve

I’m losing it. Seriously! There is so much going on in  this country. Wait — can I still call it a country? Slays me, I don’t know? Anyway, I digress. Every now and again, I have to take a break from all the news and post something you would appreciate and actually learn something valuable. So here is one from Jim’s classroom.

Just in case you ever run across a democrat, don’t know why you would, but just in case you need to be prepared. So, pay attention here so you will be able to communicate with him or her. And if you ever get the chance to meet the guy who is THE expert at this sort of thing, you will fit right in. So, pay attention to this, there may be a test afterwards.

Now, aren’t you glad you learned all that?  OMG, and to think he is supposed to be the leader of the free world. HA!

Originally posted 2022-01-26 09:23:19.

8 thoughts on “The Learning Curve”

  1. To the village that lost it’s idiot.. he’s been found. And this is the reason Russia, North Korea and China, are all making their move. Our president is a cluster f**k.

  2. Otto von Bismarck supposedly said: “God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.” In 2022, you can add to that fabled list the 4 out of 10 who approve of Biden’s “job performance.” If you can’t find the dichotomy of humor and pity in all of this, you will find yourself driven to the nuthouse in one of those electric cars by Biden himself…

  3. Just proves that sleepy joe makes an ass of himself everytime he speaks w/o his note cards

  4. 😂 sad but funny , the truth is that The entire District of Corruption and criminals therein are an existential threat to not only America’s National security but the survival of Western Civilization.

  5. Thanks, that’ll be stuck in my head The rest of the day. Semper Fi

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