America’s Sport

Morin Guys, My good friend and Marine brother, Greg Maresca, who many of you will recognize as a frequent contributor to my blog has written a great piece on the current state of America’s Sport,  what else . . . . . .  but baseball. The article was accepted by “The American Spectator,” a leading conservative journal. He had been trying to get one accepted by them and has finally broken through the ceiling. He’s asking for folks to go to the website and read his article. If he gets enough viewers, he could become a regular contributor. Help a fellow Marine and go read the article. The link below will take you there. It is a paid subscription site, but they do allow some free access provided you haven’t been to the site recently. I really think you’ll like his article, especially for you MLB nuts, which I am not, but it was interesting to learn what has happened to “America’s Sport” over the years.


Please pass the word!


Baseball’s Pitch Clock Era

Originally posted 2023-03-25 16:48:11.

3 thoughts on “America’s Sport”

  1. I too, no longer follow pro sports. When I want to go to a game, I visit the local DIII college or high school where the love for the sport remains.

    1. LOL, concur, and you don;t have to spooned $8 for a hot dog. The days of a father & son day at the ball park are gone, Dad’s can’t afford it but maybe once or twice a year.

  2. I’m a former sports fan. My time is now better spent other ways. There are no appalling commercials or woke demonstrations. I voted with my feet.

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