American Citizenship

Listen to this naturalized American citizens’ message to the President.  Sadly, Joe, nor his “Border Czar” Harris,  will never hear this, and even if they were tied to a chair and had this played to them, they would not be able to process it.  But it’s a message that a lot of people should hear and think about. Please listen to him, and be sure to pick up on how long it took him to become a naturalized citizen by doing it legally.  What a tragedy. I personally know one Canadian who came to America with a green card, married a local gal, had children, started his own landscaping business, donated tons to local charity groups, but it still took him eight years to become an American citizen. Yet these bastards streaming across the Border Czar’s border get all the benefits of a naturalized citizen at taxpayers expense and some even want to allow them to vote. And someone commented on one of my recent  posts refuting my belief that we are a third world shithole. I stand by my claim. We are a lawless, segregated, open border, immoral society who cannot conduct a legal election. We have laws, but they are applied discriminately. Excuse me while I go throw up.

Originally posted 2022-09-21 10:51:07.

8 thoughts on “American Citizenship”

  1. Well, Jim, as the one who disagreed with your contention this country has become a shithole, first I want to say thank you very much for posting this man’s statement. His statement of faith in God and our country is one reason why I do not accept the allegation we are a shithole.

    Second, one or two morons do not a shithole make. The top three who are the “leaders” of this country are without question morons. It would be bad enough if there was reason to believe they made the decisions they get credit for, but it is obvious to me at least that somebody else writes the script and they read it, or try to. I am opposed to the dirt and degradation they spew and has infected our institutions.

    The 75 + million of us who voted for Trump (twice in my case) are additional proof we do not live in a shithole.

    Thank you again for sharing this man’s statement. His statement is consistent with the men I have represented in asylum proceedings. Of course each of them came in legally and entered the asylum process. They, like the 3+ million who have come across our open border come here not because we are a shithole but, instead, because they recognize our country as a place of liberty and freedom, perhaps the only best hope of mankind. I plan to forward it to everyone I know.

    Lastly, and assuming permission to speak, Sir, we need leaders who can show us how to get out of this mess. We do not need leaders who scream in agony while they piss into the wind that they are getting wet. Piss downwind.

    1. Well Mike, as I told you before, until you come up with a term that better expresses who we are that I can accept, I shall stand by my statement that we are a third world shithole. We cannot even hold a “legal” election, while their are third world countries who can. As for the 3 million scum screaming across our open border, I disagree they are seeking a better life. Many are seeking what they cannot get at home, especially Venezuela. . . . handouts. We will remain a shithole until we get a GOP who have a backbone instead of worrying about holding their job. This is not the country I spent thirty-six years of my life serving and am now paying for that service healthwise. e will simply have to agree to disagree on these issue, and it appe3ars all my posters agree with me, not you. Have a good day and Semper Fi.

  2. Born in Germany, my Dad came to this country LEGALLY along with his family at the age of seven in 1903.
    15 years later he found himself in France along with the U.S. Army’s 5th Division fighting against the land of his birth at the battle of the Argonne Forest.
    Always giving back, never expecting a “handout,” he and his family came here for a better life and to escape the “goings on” in Germany at the time.
    He raised his family during the “Great Depression” never once expecting a single government handout.
    I never in my life have seen a better American, or one that loved this country more than my Dad.
    Sorry to say, not all those illegally invading our country today have the attitude of that. There is no love of country for them,,, only take what this administration freely gives.
    If my Dad were alive today, I’m sure he would shudder observing the direction in which the country he loved so much is heading.
    Semper Fi,
    Bill Marshall

  3. I would be proud to call this man my American brother! I hope to God that this gets sent to Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Waters or someone at Fox News as well as NewsMax. He’s eloquent and wise. He is what this country needs. Not most of
    what Biden is importing.

  4. Colonel,

    I applaud the bravery of this marvelous witness to the truths about our great America, and for what now, we must fight to become once again. Also, bless you Colonel for always being so valient in you fight for truth in this world of lies. Chuck J send respectfully

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