God Help Us — PLEASE

I am, as I suspect my followers are, absolutely horrified as to what is transpiring in that shithole we know as Afghanistan. The fact that my RVN battalion (2/1) has lost Marines and a Corpsman after having to go into that country to do something that should have never happened had we had an administration and generals who had even the slightest clue as to what they were doing. A fresh-caught second lieutenant right out of OCS could have developed a better plan than any of those fools. Sad, Sorrow, angst is all I feel. I have lowered my Flag to haft mast; it will remain in that position until this is all over and everyone is out and safe. I would encourage all of you to do the same. I can assure you this would never played out as it did had we had Trump where he was supposed to be — our legal and duly elected POTUS.

Our current flock of generals and admirals are more concerned with diversity and weeding out so-called extremists from their ranks than doing what they are charged to do. The perfect example is our CJCS, Miley, what a life-long POS! Every one wearing a star today needs to be fired w/o pension!

The title Photo says it all. How pitiful he appears having followed those handling his puppet strings. God help us, not him!

Below are comments from who should have been running this OP.

Here’s one fellow American whom we should all love and respect!

Originally posted 2021-08-27 14:35:08.

4 thoughts on “God Help Us — PLEASE”

  1. Biden couldn’t mumble anything, but President Trump sure can nail it. Glad you’re back Jim Semper Fi

  2. Biden and his “intel” crew is a pile of human cluster f–k’s. I don’t have the personal military experience all of you have so all I can say is a 12 year old child that plays video war games could have handled all of this better then our Washington experts. I pray for our citizens Biden will leave there to die as well as our Afghan supporters. Saying I miss Trump is an understatement.

  3. We shamefully lost this war after losing 2,451 US servicemen’s lives
    and 3,846 US contractors’ lives and spending more than $2.26T over
    almost 20 years.

    My humble take:
    1. No one in US military leadership in that war has ever won a war. We
    have not won a war since WWII. These generals did not know how to win a war.
    2. The only way to win the war is for the enemy (Taliban) to surrender
    or be killed.
    3. The 1949 Geneva Conventions provide that it is unlawful for
    belligerents (Taliban) to engage in combat without meeting certain
    requirements, such as (a) wearing distinctive uniform or other
    distinctive signs visible at a distance, (b) carrying weapons openly,
    and (c) conducting operations in accordance with the laws and customs
    of war.
    4. Combatants, such as the Taliban, that intentionally use protected
    people (i.e. civilians, women, and children) or property as human shields
    or camouflage are guilty of violations of the laws of war and are
    responsible for damage to those that should be protected.
    5. The US and its allies attempted to co-opt, in other words manage the
    Taliban, and so maintain the stability of the worthless effort of this
    war in a counterinsurgency manner (defeating irregular forces) instead
    of destroying it relentlessly as we destroyed the German, Japanese,
    and Italian forces in WWII.
    6. This war against a stone age enemy should have been won in 1 year!
    7. Shame on our DOD leadership, including Jim Mattis, USMC, who was the commander of the Central Command, responsible for the war in
    Afghanistan and Iraq, for 2 1/2 years and secretary of defense for 2
    years and the rest of his ilk. The same applies to Tommy Franks, US
    Army (USA), John Abizaid, USA, David Petraeus, USA, John Allen, USMC, Lloyd Austin USA, now SecDef, and Ken McKenzie, USMC…

    1. No need to be humbles Boria, you are among many believers in all you mentioned and more. We should have been in and out in one year, but the generals, as you said never fought in a won war. Including my favorite nemesis Mr. Mattis. In fact he never pulled a trigger except at the range.

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