A Real Marine???

One might think the author of this video had some very big gonad’s to make and post this on You Tube. While it did require some gut wrenching decisions on his part, he did it because it needed to be done by some one with some skin in the game. Regardless, I have the highest respect for Marine LtCol Stuart Scheller. I respect his decision to do it more than you will ever know. One reason is that it makes me feel good to know we still have Marine leaders with their head screwed on correctly and unafraid to open their mouths and say what’s right and ask the important questions. During my time in the Corps, I was surrounded by Marines like him. I can name literally 100’s of Marines I would have expected to do what he is doing, including myself.

BZ Stuart!!! Keep us posted on what that “general” in CMC’s office has to say about this.

God Bless you Sir and Semper Fi Brother, I for one am proud of you!!!

UPDATE 8/30/2021: I have somewhat changed my thoughts on this Marine LtCol. Something is awry here. I know not what his master plan is, but something does not set right with me. Since his video went viral, he was relieved of his assignment at SOI (East), and now it appears he is resigning his commission  having served 17 years, which is three years from eligibility to retire. Hmm? It will be interesting to see what he does now; therefore, I will reserve my final decision as to what I think of him and his decision to do what he did. Stay tuned.

Originally posted 2021-08-27 15:17:03.

25 thoughts on “A Real Marine???”

  1. Something isn’t smelling right for me as well. It’s one thing to do the Victor Krulak impersonation (Krulak Biography says LtGen Krulak did something very similar with LBJ in ’68), but Krulak didn’t go completely off the tracks either. He started losing me when he did the follow up video talking about wife’s choice to make, Fundme page, wording of his resignation letter, etc.

    I guess what I am doing a horrible of staying is, “How well can you fight for a cause if you’re doing things that make it hard for peers to take you seriously?”

    I don’t know. I hope I’m wrong. I wish him well.

    1. Lt. Colonel Scheller’s Resignation Letter was posted today on his Facebook page. He has no intention of joining the reserve, either. I think that’s about as serious as one can get.

  2. Sir, I was proud of my Marine service, Had outstanding Officers, I’d serve under you in a second, this HAS been bothering me LOT, emailing my fellow Marines, they say the same thing, Thank you for saying what we all think. Semper Fi, Joe M. 1958-62

  3. There should be a woke wave of resignations, but there won’t be.

  4. Where are all the Pentagon resignations? Pentagon should be re-named “Woke Central”. How sad and dangerous….

  5. Next Col Jim Bathhurst I follow that Lt Col. anywhere.
    I am impressed beyond words…

  6. We need more Heros like this man . God Bless him .

  7. LtCol Scheller thank you for showing me I didn’t waste my time in service to the Marine Corps! We still have Marine leaders that get it with you Sir! We should be seeing mass exodus of these Beltway bandits!

    Milton Hardin
    Gunner 0306 retired

    1. Chuck, We need more Battalion Commander’s with like courage. He is sacrificing everything for what he believes. Bless him indeed.

      30 years ago in Riyadh……………..Semper fi, Col. Dennis Grose

      1. Dennis and Chuck, thank you for comments. We don’t breed many Marines like that anymore. We breed yes men and women, careerists, people who never learned the real meaning of leadership or the three “M’s.”

  8. Semper Fi LtCol Scheller… I would fight with you anywhere
    GySgt Hardy Ret. Vietnam Vet!

  9. Colonel,
    Never read a better response the problem this country is in right now. EVER!

  10. The good LtCol released a statement on social media that he was relived at 1430 today.

  11. As a civilian, I’m grateful for your courage. You represent what is good about the America I’ve known. The people you call out are unethical, as best. God bless you Lt. Col. Scheller! You are a hero!

    1. Esprit De Corps right there. Semper Fi. Best of luck to him wherever his journey takes him. Top brass should be ashamed of themselves

  12. WOW, someone willing to risk it all for what he believes in! I applaud 👏you Sir! If more leaders would follow in his footsteps we wouldn’t be where we are today. Stand up America we can do this. When you send our finest military to battle, don’t tie their hands. Let them do their jobs, go all out and put an end to evil people or don’t send them! I salute you Sir! It would be an honor to follow you in battle! Semper Fi! Jerome, a Vietnam Vet.

    1. Charlie, in my day we were all like that. It is heartwarming to find there are still some around.

      1. what is happening to my country angers me but most of all it breaks my heart. I realize the danger these men have faced only to be betrayed by feckless leaders this brave marine will probably face punishments because thats what power mad ,fascist . commies do when faced with opposition to their totalitarian rule . we all should be watching and listening to whathappens to him and keep him in our prayers.i know people who oppose this kind of rule are being monitored by FB. and others but i’m too old and have too much pain in my life i do not fear them at all except what they are doing to my country i could care less what they can do to me. you will never convince me that this was not a deliberate treasonous action and we have politicians getting rich just how much was paid under the table for 85 billion dollars worth of equipment. the lives of our milatary are non-factors for these traitors.

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