Rhino Extraordinaire Part II

Well, what can I say, but that he is gone. Perhaps we will learn more about him now, as we have with a lot of other political personalities. I’ll keep my comments to myself in reverence to a man whom I did not like and for whom I had zero respect, even before he switched his seat in the gallery, but will respect his passing.

Goodbye John McCain

Originally posted 2018-09-04 10:54:59.

4 thoughts on “Rhino Extraordinaire Part II”

  1. I can smell the clean fresh air now that he is gone. No loss in my book,

  2. Sgt. Jim I totally agree with your comments here and I have talked with others that feel the same way you are not alone!
    Semper Fi

  3. Sgt. B, I agree, zero respect and did not like. Surely was a RHINO.

    1. Yes Gary, he was a POS, and AZ finally is rid of him, but look out for his daughter, she’s even worse. Thanks Marine.

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